I have it on good authority that nothing beats a great pair of leg(g)s. Well, yes Virginia, there is something that beats that –a great pair of legs topped off by a sweet ass* in a pair Daisy Dukes!
Like High Heels and School Girl outfits, Daisy Dukes are MUST HAVE items in a Bimbo’s wardrobe. So important are they that a Bimbo needs to have at least a few pairs of them before she can even think (hmmm? That might be a problem) of calling her wardrobe complete. When going through your clothes/costumes do not confuse all of your Booty shorts with DDs. Daisy Dukes are a particular type of Booty shorts. Think (ooops, there I go again) of it this way – All Daisy Dukes are Booty shorts, but all Booty shorts are not Daisy Dukes. This is a very important distinction. Real DDs are made from a pair of worn, faded, blue jeans. A nice touch is a worn spot, that patch of white threads that is not yet a hole, somewhere in the seat. Nothing else will do to give that fresh-faced Country Girl/Cowgirl look. Baseball, Apple Pie and Daisy Dukes are part of what makes this the greatest country on Earth!
How-To make your very own pair of Daisy Dukes:
1 – Pick-out the jeans to turn into shorts. Look for faded fabrics, with rips and worn-spots (especially on the ass), and tightness.
2 – Get a pair of sharp scissors, fabric scissors will be the best.
3 – Find some chalk, crayon or if you have to a marker.
4 – Get a ruler.
5 – lay the jeans out on the kitchen table or other cutting surface (not the bed, and watch out for the table cloth, Bimbo!).
6 – Using the ruler and the chalk/marker, draw a line on the pants legs. This will be the guide for cutting. You want to place the ruler so the edge touches the crotch of the jeans. This is the maximum length for your shorts. If using a marker, remember to cut just above that line. Daisy Dukes must cover as little leg as possible. There is a decision to make at this point – whether or not to keep the pockets. For the total white trash look, you will want to keep the pockets so they hand down past the leg holes. I would avoid this look. The white flap of the pockets interferes with the clean line between skin and material. It is distracting. Besides, the shorts should be so tight that the pockets are useless anyway.
Variations :
1 - The string-bikini touch. I have it on authority that a good pair of worn jeans is soft enough that no panties are necessary. However, there is a great look that one can use with a string-bikini instead of panties. Pull the sides up high so that your ties are nice a visible.
2 – “Ooops, your fly is open” – works with really tight jeans. Wear your DDs unbuttoned with your fly (or buttons on the 501s) part of the way down. Panties are optional (as always).
3 – Try cutting at an angle. Again, using the ruler as a guide, draw a line from the outside seam of the jeans downward to the crotch, at an angle. This will expose more and more thigh the higher you start the cut on the outside. At some point, your ass will begin to show.
4 - Cut the legs off, straight across at crotch level. Flip the jeans over. Starting at the outside seam cut an arc (a half-circle) towards the inseam. This will allow more of your ass to show. The amount depends how high you make the arc. This will require practice.
5 – Although the jeans may be from another country, Brazilian ultra-low rise jeans are great for making DDs. Their tailoring tends to cup the ass, and they expose the maximum amount of skin possible in jeans.
Too cute as well as I love my cut offs